The scientific activity of MaDE@UTV group has been focused for a long time on the study of innovative materials for energy production and sustainable development. In particular, the group has a long experience on the realization of nanocomposite polymeric electrolytes, organic/inorganic hybrid materials and ceramic oxides for electrochemical applications, such as polymeric fuel cells, SOFCs and Li-ion batteries. The evaluation of catalytic systems for Bio Electrochemical Systems (BES) and the redox flow battery (RFB) technology, with a particular focus on the components optimization for Vanadium- and quinone-based RFBs, are among the core research interests. More recent activities regard the study of storage technology for solar energy production, and the synthesis and characterization of biobased and biodegradable polymers for environmental and biomedical applications and of functional polymers for energy applications (e.g. membranes for RFBs).